
Lesselyong-Sadowska-Kesler-Martin-Altmann Post 54


Dear Members,


Thank You to Joyce Burt for donating and preparing the valentine tray favors for the Marshfield Living Center residents.  I’m sure this brightens their day!  These cute tray favors led to discussion at our board meeting on January 25th.  We are going to work together as a group to make tray favors for the home-delivered meals provided through St. Joseph’s Hospital for the various holidays.  A committee will be formed at the March monthly meeting.


At the same time, we will discuss the upcoming children’s Easter Party and the American Legion Birthday Party, both to be held on March 15th.  Our Auxiliary Spring Dinner will be held on April 9th and committees will be established at this meeting as well.  Please plan on coming down to the post and helping with these activities; the Children’s Easter party is normally our largest party of the year!


It is the time of year for a nominating committee to find new officers for our auxiliary.  Please let me know if you would be willing to be on the committee and if you would be willing to serve in a position on our board.  We are looking for new board members and new ideas!


Please mark your calendar to join in and help with the following activities:



            March 31        ALA board meeting

April 7             Auxiliary meeting

April 9             Spring Festival Dinner

April 28           ALA board meeting


Please continue to bring your Festival Foods Receipts, used postage stamps, unopened small toiletries, manufacturer’s coupons and pop-top tabs to the post for distribution. 


Think Spring!


Lily Michalski
